Monday, March 9, 2009

Global Issue

It is easy to spend, but it is hard to earn the money you spend. Until just recently I thought my parents were set for retirement, but since Obama finds it difficult to hold onto the little money our country has my parents won’t retire until their older. This is becoming a global issue, since Obama wants to throw us into debt with other foreign countries (and already has done so). Its simple, encouragement brings development and criticism brings declining of a society. If you’re wondering about where your money might be going consider this, our president wishes to give loans to illegal immigrants, he has been spreading fear and doubt (two words I would’ve never thought a president would say). He is destroying good businesses, bankrupting responsible people and wiping out conservative financial institutions. Every time he speaks he is sending the markets down and stocks crashing and if you don’t believe me than look at the Dow Jones and compare it from its prices a year ago all the way to today, it was not the fault of the Bush Administration but the fault lies with the Obama Administration. THE MARKET COLLAPSE MADE IT EVIDENT THAT IT IS OBAMA WHO IS THE PROBLEM, AND IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ME TRY LOOKING AT THE FACTS INSTEAD OF ARGUING YOUR SIDE BASED OFF OF NON-FACTUAL EVIDENCE. I will not let our country dig itself further into debt, and I am not worried about where we are going but I know we will recover no matter what our president says, we will recover stronger than ever and bring strength to the weaknesses we had before.

Morris, Dick. "It’s Obama spreading panic ." The Hill. 2/24/09. The Hill. 9 Mar 2009 .

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