I’m reading Zero by Charles Seife, and I read chp 2. The Greek Universe was created by Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Ptolemy which was able to survive after the collapse of the Greek civilization. Because of the fact that the Greeks were unable to accept such things as zero or nothing, the West did not accept it until many years later. Before the people of the West could accept such things they would have to destroy their universe, unfortunately. The Greeks thought of numbers and philosophy as being inseparable. Take for example, Hippasus of Metapontum whom was part of a cult that he betrayed. Hippasus had revealed a secret deadly to the Greek civilization, for revealing the secret Pythagoras sentenced Hippasus to death by drowning. The leader of the Cult that Hippasus belonged to was Pythagoras. Pythagoras believed that he was the reincarnated soul of Euphorbus. People believe today that Pythagoras wrote the constitution for Greeks living in Italy. The Greeks inherited a lot of their knowledge of numbers from Egyptians, surprisingly. In Greek mathematics there was no clear distinction between shapes and numbers. The Ancient Greeks became the masters of Geometry, and the questioners of the heavens and the moving planets or the “harmony of the spheres and the beautiful mathematical orchestra”.