Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Scary Night in the Woods

I read an article from the magazine “Field and Stream” called, “My Scary Night” written by Keith McCafferty. The idea of this article was to prepare someone for surviving a night in the woods. Keith McCafferty drove into the country of Montana to get a broader view of the word backyard. I think in order for people to understand survival in the wild, they actually have to experience it. A survival kit is necessary and helpful incase of an accident or incase something bad happens. A night alone in the woods can make a real coward of anyone, even with a rifle by their side. The fear of what’s waiting out there is what keeps you from falling asleep in the night. That is a painful lesson to learn. It’s hard to imagine what you learn alone from a night in the woods, how the heavens shine brightly and how among the stars it shows a broader picture of what life really is.

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Favorite Books

  • Alanna, Among the Hidden, The Wizard's Dilemma