Lina loves her job as messenger and when she returns home in the afternoon one day, her grandmother was riffling through their closet and she came across a set of instructions which her sister Poppy chewed on (to make parts of the words illegible). Lina asked everyone she knew for help and Doon (her friend) is the only one who believes it will help the city and might be a possible way out for the people of Ember. When Doon and Lina were exploring in the pipe works, they came across the mayor who was stealing goods and saving them for himself. Lina reported this problem to the town guards (who were doing this same thing) and they arrested her and brought her to the mayor. The mayor was not happy and wished to put her in a holding cell but luckily the electricity went out and she was able to make a grand escape out of the building and to safety. One her way to meet Doon in the pipe works, she grabbed Poppy to bring her along. So Doon, Poppy and Lina had discovered a secret passageway in the pipeworks that led out and to safety but before they were above ground they had to walk miles upon miles and at the top was ground and sunshine and they were able to contact the rest of the people of Ember to escape.
The City of Ember
Jeanne DuPrau
El Fin
15 years ago