Monday, December 8, 2008

Chapter 7, Absolute Zeros [The Physics of Zero]

When a giant star collapses , it disappears and becomes part of the unknown. The gravational attraction is so massive that no force in space can prevent its collapse. Thus, the dying star becomes smaller. After it becomes so small, it stuffs itself into zero space and becomes a black hole. Scientists think that black holes might travel faster than light and transport people backwards in time. A black hole takes up zero space, but has mass. The curvature of space gets larger as you come closer to a black hole. A black hole goes into infinity, it means that it has torn a hole in space time. Nobody seems to know what happens in those torn areas, its a puzzelsome concept. Einstein denied the existance of black holes. A black hole is very dangerous and space tries to prevent people from seeing the zero at the center of the black hole. " The censor is gravity itself". Black holes are part of the mystery of our universe!

1 comment:

Tenzin said...

there are some things in life that just don't make sense, but at least they give us something to day dream about.
Great paragraph,
Have a nice day.

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